Useful french words/expressions: Cheese = Fromage Baguette = Baguette Bread = Pain French = Français France = France Paris = Paris Hello = Bonjour Goodbye = Au-revoir See you later = à plus tard, or a+ for short/slang You suck = tu es nul [any random computer problem solution] = alt+f4 (it is universal) Yellow = Jaune Orange = Orange Purple = Violet Blue = Bleu Red = Rouge Green = Vert White = Blanc Black = Noir Pistol = Pistolet Machine-gun = Mitraillette Shotgun = Fusil à pompe Riffle = Fusil Knife = Couteau Banana = Banane Platic fork = fourchette en plastique Crankshaft = Vilebrequin I am Berzorg, lord of terrorists, the bloody = Je suis Berzorg le sanglant, seigneur des Terroristes I will consume your soul until only your lifeless body remains = Je vais consumer ton âme jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste que ton corps sans vie Have a nice day = Passe une bonne journée It was nice meeting you = C'était un plaisir de te rencontrer Useful conversation subjects/starters: Do you think we should reconstruct the roof of Notre Dame as a giant golden banana ? = Tu pense qu'on devrais reconstruire le toît de Notre Dame en géante banana dorée ? Terrorists are kicking our asses ! = Les terroristes nous botte le cul ! Next round we rush B = Au prochain round on rush B How is your weather ? = Il fait quel temps chez toi ? How is your friday ? = Comment se passe ton vendredi ? How are you ? = Comment ça va ? Who are you ? = Qui est tu ? What are you doing in my house ? = Qu'es-ce que tu fais chez moi ? (French people know where you live, and soon we'll take over the world, watch out, we're coming...) Do french people really have 6ft (2m) legs and super powers because they eat frogs in massive quantities ? = Est-ce que les français on vraiment des jambes de 2 mètres et des super-pouvoirs par ce qu'ils mangent des grenouilles en quantités massives ? (yes we do) How do handle having lasers shooting out of you eyes at unforntunate times when you are still learning to use your power ? = Comment tu fait quand tes yeux tirent des lasers aux mauvais moments pendant que tu apprend encore à utiliser tes pouvoirs ? When will the french take over the world liberate all of us of our miserable lives ? = Quand est-ce que les français vont nous libérer de nos vies misérables ? (Soon...) How does it feel being objectively superior to every other country ? = Ça fait quoi d'être objectivement supérieur à tous les autres pays ? What do you think of [movie/artist/whatever] ? = Tu pense quoi de [quelque chose] What are you eating ? = Tu mange quoi ? What did you eat today ? = Tu as mangé quoi aujourd'hui ? What other video-game do you like ? = Tu aimes quel autre jeux-vidéo ? Do you sometimes feel like, life is not really what it is supposed to be, like who am I ? None of this really makes sense, yet it somehow does to us ? So are we really the most intelligent on earth if we can't really figure out what everything is ? What is the mind ? Do I think I exist, because I think, or just because I think that I think ? Do the word "exist" really exist, you can't grab...