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Boost Recharge

BakkesMod has dropped support for 32bit plugins. This plugin has not yet been updated to 64bit. Until the plugin has been recompiled by the author, downloads are unavailable
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Author: HalfwayDead
First Uploaded: 05/09/2019
Last Updated: 05/09/2019
 Views: 1257
 Downloads: 333
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Custom boost recharge mode in Freeplay and Workshop maps


Allows you to constantly recharge a given amount of boost at a desired time interval in Freeplay and Workshop maps.

Commands boost_recharge - Set to 1, to enable. Will automatically disable unlimited boost. Set to 0 to disable.

boost_recharge_amount [number] - The amount of boost you want to get every time it triggers.

boost_recharge_interval [number] - The time interval (in seconds) at which you want the boost to be given.